Monday, July 5, 2010


In any business adventure your clients/customers are your most precious resource. Treating them with the upmost dignity and respect is paramount to your business’ success for no client/customers, equals no business, and thus no success. I’m not talking here of the civil niceties (please, thank you or good day), although they are important; I’m talking about how you as the professional business person makes your client/customers feel. They should be feeling and have the impression that they are the most important individual to you during any interaction that they have with you. Yes being nice and courteous (saying please and thank you and engaging in small talk) helps, giving discounts, or even free sessions or merchandise may also be benefical. However, taking the few moments to get to know them as a person is the most vital and most beneficial and just how do you do that? You LISTEN to them; give them your full ATTENTION. It is by fully listening that you get the feeling and sense of who they are as a person not just as a client/customer and you also will get a feel for their needs as a person. It is their needs as a person not as a customer/client that you as a professional need to address. So stop talking sit back and LISTEN. THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT.

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