Saturday, June 5, 2010

Code of Ethnics

As a Hypnotist, I follow the code of ethics of the National Guild of Hypnotists: Client Welfare: I must respect my clients. Their welfare in terms of their physical and mental well being is my prime concern. In turn I expect to be treated with the same respect. Practice Limits and Credentials: As a hypnotist I promise to treat my clients only with in the areas of my expertise and qualifications. Motivating and coaching my clients to the success that they wish to achieve and I will be honest about my areas of qualifications, training and skills. Referred practice and Reasonable Practice: As to dealing with problems outside of my expertise such as medical issues; all such issues should and will be referred to the appropriate medical health care professional such as a physician. For certain medical or mental health issues where hypnosis may be deemed appropriate, a written referral from the appropriate llicensed health care professional such as a physician will be required before I would beginning working with said individual except when otherwise provided for by provincial law. This then is a brief outline of the basic code of ethics as published by the National Guild of Hypnotists.

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